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How to connect

There are several ways for you to connect with us.  One way would be for you to visit one of our Sunday gatherings, you are always welcome to do this.  Another way to know more about the church and what is going on in the life of the church family is to get on our email list.  To register for this you can click here.  Finally, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through email by

Being a contributor

We believe that God has designed the church to be full of contributors, not consumers.  Our hope is that every participant in our church family would discover ways to serve our church and the community around us.  We have opportunities to serve inside the life of the church (like coffee fellowship, greeting, children's church, setup etc.), but also want to encourage and support the gifts and calling of our members as they serve outside of the walls of the church.


If you would like to explore what part you can play in our church family please don't hesitate to talk to one of our leaders or email us at


A member of the church family

Church membership is about relationship – with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  It is a profound inter-connectedness – seeking God together, serving and growing together, sharing pain and joy together.

At Kintore Community Church, we want to embrace this as a precious and beautiful reality.  To that end, our understanding of membership is rooted around this short but significant membership covenant:

Trusting in Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we affirm the following covenant relationship with our Father in heaven and our brothers and sisters in Christ.  With the Holy Spirit’s enabling we will…
We will make it a priority to gather together. This goes deeper than just Sundays.
We’ll endeavour to open our lives and be available to each other.
We will embrace the privilege of bringing our prayers – individually and
together – before our Father in heaven, in the knowledge that
He only gives good gifts to His children.
We will love one another, weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with
those who rejoice. We will put others’ needs before our own.
God has given us so much, so we will be a generous people. With time, with abilities, with finance;
we will give to God through the life of this local church.
God has given each of us a unique role to play in His church.
We will seek to find out what that is, and will join in His work with joy and gratitude.
We will submit to God and the Scriptures. As the elders do likewise, we will respect their leadership.
As brothers and sisters, we will submit to one another in love.

Are you interested to find out more about membership of Kintore Community Church? Please contact us by clicking here.

connecting + serving


Why give?

We give because God has given us all things - everything we have belongs to God and we are only looking after what He has entrusted us with. Our giving not only is an act of worship, it is also the means by which the work of the church is supported. With these things in mind, we encourage those who call Kintore Community Church their home to give regularly and generously in proportion to how God has provided for them. 

How to give?

There are a few ways that you can contribute financially to the church: 

  • One way is through our offering which we collect weekly at our Sunday gathering.

  • Another is by sending a onetime gift or standing order via a bank transfer (see below).

  • Another way is by using our online giving page which you can access by clicking here.


Gift Aid

If you are contributing financially to the life of the church we ask that you would consider setting up Gift Aid (an extra 25% contributed to the church for free).  If you are a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you. Please complete our Gift Aid Form (click here).

Banking Details

Account Name: Hillview Community Church

Account Number: 00299287
Sort Code: 80-12-08

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